The Honorable Dana M. Altieri was elected to the Lee’s Summit Municipal Court in April 2010. Judge Altieri was re-elected in 2014, and again in 2018. She is currently on the April 5, 2022 ballot. Judge Altieri is a lifelong Lee’s Summit resident.
Dana Altieri is very devoted to her family, career, and community. She has received several distinctions, including but not limited to, an appointment by the Missouri Supreme Court to educate other Missouri judges.
You are valued, not just your vote. Please use your voice.
Tuesday is election day, and I would appreciate your vote. I have lived here all my life and I love this community. I am as invested in this community as much as I have ever been and serving as your Judge has been and is a privilege.
To earn your vote, I want to share details about me, so I invite you to explore my website.

Dana M. Altieri

Judge Altieri was raised in Lee’s Summit by David and Linda McFarland, both of whom passed away in 2019. Before retirement, David was a lifelong truckdriver and Linda was a hairdresser. Other than technical training, neither of her parents had any formal education. Her parents were good, hardworking people.
Judge Altieri has always credited her parents as the biggest influence on how she thinks of herself as a judge, and how she treats others. Judge Altieri believes that although being a judge is a very important job, it does not make her as an individual any more important than anyone else around her.
Judge Altieri has been in courtrooms over the years and has witnessed judges demean an individual for being uneducated, poor, uniformed, a different race, or even when suffering from mental health issues. These situations were appalling for her to watch.
“I chose to run for re-election to continue to provide a fair, open-minded judge for the City and treat people the way I would want to be treated. I am grateful for this position and I have never taken it for granted.”
Judge Altieri treats everyone as she would want to be treated. Even if an individual ultimately disagrees with her decision on any given case, it is extremely important to her that they leave with the feeling that she listened, heard what they had to say, and were treated with respect.

Judge Altieri is a 1994 Lee’s Summit High School graduate, and she is honored to be inducted into the Lee’s Summit High School Hall of Fame. She is proudly a lifelong Lee’s Summit resident.
Following graduation, she attended the University of Missouri at Columbia, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, with a secondary Minor in History. During college, she supplemented her studies with an internship in Jefferson City, Missouri at a consolidated federal office for our Missouri United States Senators. She volunteered on a weekly basis at the St. Francis House for men and the Lois Bryant House for women, which provides shelter, meals, and community for the homeless and less fortunate.
After college, Judge Altieri went to law school and received her Juris Doctor in 2001 from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. While there, she participated in several programs at the school, including serving as the local chapter president for the Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity. Interestingly, she was a part of a small group of law students that participated in legal studies at the University of Beijing in Beijing, China.

During law school and following her graduation, Judge Altieri served as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Judge Jay A. Daughtery of the Jackson County Circuit Court in Kansas City Missouri. Judge Altieri has always said this was an integral part of her education as she was able to watch how Judge Daughtery interacted with citizens, litigants, lawyers, jurors, and other judges. Judge Daughtery was the first judge she’d ever met, and also the first time she ever saw the inside of a courtroom. This was an invaluable experience for Judge Altieri as she was able to observe him maintain his professionalism and grace during each of his dockets.
“There are many people that will appear in municipal court who have never been in a courtroom before, and their interaction with me and our court is the only interaction they will ever have with the judicial system. I want each person to feel they were treated with fairness and respect during the process, whether they are a defendant, victim, witness, etc…”
After elected to the bench, Judge Altieri recognized areas as a judge she would like to strengthen, so she attended in an intensive evidentiary program at The National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada.
Judge Altieri has been admitted to the Missouri Bar, Kansas Bar, Western District of Missouri, District of Kansas, and the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

With over twenty years of legal experience, Judge Altieri has dedicated her life to the pursuit of justice. Judge Altieri is known as a fair-minded, insightful, experienced judge, dedicated to serving the Lee’s Summit community while upholding her respect for the principles of law. She is further distinguished in her position as the first and only female ever elected to serve as a municipal judge in Lee’s Summit.
“I have a proven record of nearly 12 years as a municipal Court Judge in Lee’s Summit. Those who have appeared in front of me, whether they be defendants, victims, law enforcement or others have been treated fairly and with respect. I apply the appropriate law while still utilizing empathy and compassion in regard to all parties’ interests.”
Judge Altieri skillfully handles a fast-paced and full trial docket. While serving Lee’s Summit, her skillset has been so recognized that several other municipalities have reached out to her to fill in when their judge is unavailable. In fact, the Presiding Judge of the 16th Circuit of Jackson County ultimately executed a standing Court Order that Judge Altieri was the only municipal court judge to sit on the Kansas City, Missouri bench for several years while Kansas City was under a period of transition. Assisting other jurisdictions not only speaks to her reputation within the judiciary, but also expands her experience as a municipal judge.
“Empathy, experience, and dedication are my basic rules I follow in hearing a case on the bench. While I follow those rules, I also do not take any issue with sentencing individuals to jail or taking them into custody when warranted.”

As a lifelong resident of Lee’s Summit, Judge Altieri enjoys serving her community. She has served Lee’s Summit in the past by way of volunteer work.
- Spoken to classes at Lee’s Summit High School, Lee’s Summit North High School, Lee’s Summit West High School, Cedar Creek Elementary, Herndon Career Center
- Lee’s Summit Fire Department Fire Ops 101 Program
- Rotary Youth Camp
- Guardian ad Litem attorney for abused or neglected children
- Lee’s Summit North Career Day
- Judge We the People program at Summit Point Elementary
- Lee’s Summit Chilifest
- Guest speaker for Lee’s Summit Girl Scout Troops
- Tour De Lakes bike ride
- Polar Bear Plunge
- Salvation Army
- Judged Lee’s Summit West debate tournaments
- Judged Lee’s Summit North debate tournaments
- Judged debate tournaments for local homeschooled students
- Volunteered for Joplin Relief program through Eastern Jackson County Bar Assoc.
- Softball coach for Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation
- Trunk or Treat volunteer for disabled adults and children
- Work with Alzheimer’s patients
“You should vote for me because I don’t just do my dockets and leave. I am fair and I genuinely care.”


In addition to community involvement, Judge Altieri has been involved in the past, or is presently involved in the following professional affiliations:
- Appointed by the Missouri Supreme Court to the Missouri Municipal Judge Education Committee
- American Judges Association
- Jackson County Charter Review Task Force
- Federal Court Advocates
- Kansas City Metropolitan Board Association
- Inn of Court graduate
- Missouri Municipal and Associate Circuit Judges Association
- Rotarian
- National Association for Court Management
- Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity chapter president
- Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney Nomination Commission

Where did you grow up?
Here! Lived here all my life.
What should I know about you as a judge?
I want you to know I am a very proactive judge. For example, there was a period of time when many defendants were complaining that their drug patches were falling off. In response, I met with our provider and became educated on how the patch was applied. I then wore one for 2 weeks and did everything I could to get the patch to “fall off” (which it did not). This helped me evaluate the credibility of what a defendant might say about issues regarding his or her drug patch not staying affixed.
I often put defendants on house arrest for various reasons, and I can also order the house arrest bracelet (a/k/a bracelet) to evaluate their alcohol intake. Therefore, I went to the provider’s office and learned how the bracelets were put on, how the information was collected from the bracelet remotely, and then wore one for a week. Not only was I impressed with the accuracy of the bracelet, but I was also shocked to learn that the bracelet drove me crazy and would periodically vibrate. It served as a constant reminder to me that someone was checking my behavior, so I best do what I am supposed to. I didn’t expect to learn that mental aspect of the bracelet, so I am glad I chose to wear one.
We had a new provider that proposed a portable breathalyzer machine. I knew a couple of other courts that had entertained the idea of using this particular machine. I asked the provider if I could take it home and try it out. They obliged, so I did. I stayed at home, logged my alcohol consumption, and used it. I found it to be unreliable and inaccurate and therefore determined I would not have any of my probationers use that machine. I think they have since gone out of business.
Do you still do work with kids?
Absolutely. I have never denied a request to speak to our youth about the role and composition of the judiciary. There is nothing in my job description that requires this type of community involvement, but I love it. I have spoken to students at Lee’s Summit High School, Lee’s Summit West High School, Lee’s Summit North High School, Herndon Career Center, Cedar Creek Elementary, Summit Point Elementary, Bonner Springs High School, Homeschooled groups, Girl Scout groups, etc. In fact, I signed to speak at Career Day this past February at Lee’s Summit North High School and but we were snowed out. I’d much rather their experience be with me in a classroom setting rather than a court setting. If I reach just one, then it was all worth it.
A popular program young traffic offenders are sent to is called YTOP (Young Traffic Offender’s Program). Numerous courts send anyone under the age of 21 to this program. It is a full day of instruction and coursework for young drivers on the consequences of dangerous driving. Personally, inexperienced drivers make me particularly nervous they are going to underestimate the consequences of poor choices while driving and get hurt or hurt someone else. Instead of just sending kids to the program not really knowing what goes on, I signed up and went. I sat in the classroom all day just like any other participant. I was amazed at the impact this program had not only on the kids in the class, by myself as well. It was eye-opening interesting and very intense. The programmers did not hold back on the realities and consequences of mistakes while driving. As a result, I have sent hundreds of new drivers to this program for the education.
I also started and ran a Peer Court Program from approximately 2013-2017. I stopped the program only because both of my parents became terminal and I needed to care for and spend time with them while I still had it (I lost both in 2019). I started the program to expose our teens to various areas of the law. Each week we had different speakers who would visit with them about their role in our system. Examples of my speakers were Secret Service Agents, FBI, DEA, local law enforcement, drug dog demonstrations, our Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney, defense attorneys, etc. I wanted to educate our youth that there are countless opportunities out there, even if you don’t want to be a judge. I went to all of our local high schools and sought out teens, particularly troubled teens. I wanted to them to see the law through a different lens, other than what they may see on television or hear about from friends. It was an open opportunity for them to ask any kind of question they would like, in a safe setting. I particularly liked the very basic questions kids would ask, such as, “What should I do if I am pulled over?” These are good questions they may not want to ask their parents, but for their safety, it’s a great one to ask.
Is it hard being a judge?
At times, yes. I equate it to being a mom. Is it hard? At times, yes, but I love it. Nothing worth doing is easy. No matter what my decision may be on any given case, someone will be unhappy with my decision. There is no outcome in which I render a decision whereby both sides win. There are times I have to render decisions that I don’t particularly like, but I am tasked to interpret and follow the law as it is written. Regardless, being an integral part of our judicial system and the impact that I can have on the community makes it the most rewarding job I have ever had.
Do you have any yard signs left?
You bet! If I happen to run out, I will order one just for you.
Judge Altieri is dedicated to protecting the rights and liberties of all citizens in the Municipal Court of Lee’s Summit.
Ensure accessible justice and equality under the law for all citizens
Promote professionalism and accountability throughout the judiciary system
Strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of municipal court operations
Expand understanding and improve confidence in the judiciary system
“Without Equality, True Justice Cannot Exist” – Unknown
Equality can exist only when the system assures impartial treatment by looking within to ensure that it is run with the goal of equity and fairness to everyone.